Friday, January 21, 2011

Model of museum

The still ongoing project of the model of the museum of archeology of Valletta:

we are nearly finalizing the model as all the layers are cut and stuck to the museum so mostly we still have little things to be done to make it look neath, which take a lot of time. 

Bus Shelter

First boards done of the final design of my bus shelter :

Bus Shelter


I worked on trying to make the bus shelter stable for a self standing structure without using any support by using a thicker thickness for the wooden layer. I also decided to create a layer of perspex beneath the first layer made out of wood to act as a shelter and to give the material double support to be free standing with only 8 anchor bolts attached to the base of the bus shelter to the floor. the layer of perspex was created because originally the structure had only perspex in the holes of the bus shelter, but this was impossible to make as the bus shelter has a lot of holes so it would become much more expensive as each hole had different dimensions.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Wearable packaging

I started doing test pieces of the different embroidery designs i could use on the packaging and done a photo shoot using these broaches to give an idea of how these could be worn :)

The broaches are all attached with a safety pin.

Friday, December 31, 2010

Wearable packaging

I changed the material on which the embroidered broach is going to be on. I am using a water soluble... so instead of using heat one has to put it under running water for it to disintegrate. The shape of the packaging can be changed and could be used for other products eg. blusher, compact foundation etc. to create a collection of these different broaches which the user can buy to collect.
 Different designs of broaches are going to be used on different packages. 

Sketch designs of product:

Renders using 3Ds Max and photoshop:

Make up packaging for TOLY

For our assignment we had to come up with four different ideas then choose one to continue on. 
They are still at a concept stage so we could gather feedback and ideas to develop our design.

I finally chose this design to continue on......... 

Friday, December 17, 2010

Museum of archeology Valletta: Group work: Part 4 cont.


We moved a step further up by actually finishing sticking walls together and cutting out arcs and more arcs.  Now that the walls are finished we can start thinking about the lighting how to be placed and interiors.
We haven't attached the walls to the base yet for wiring that need to be done to pass through the lights in the model.